Thursday, December 18, 2008


I'm overwhelmed when I actually sit back and think about the things I have been blessed with. Sometimes we forget about all the things God has given us. Family, friends, gifts, talents, testimony, an education, a roof over our heads, food etc. Those are just the essentials. I can't even begin to describe the small tender mercies that I experience everyday. Its interesting to think that we are always blessed but we only truly see our gifts when the Lord pushes us to see them. Perhaps that is not the best way to show gratitude, to be given trials. Its when I have trials that I am reminded of the blessings I have. When I need God is when I realize his ever constant presence with me. I was driving through the snow up to Salt Lake City to be with family a few days ago when I heard this song. It is called "Thankful " by Josh Groban. I have always thought that it was a beautiful song but I never really listened to the words or even thought about them. But here are the lyrics. I listened to it about 5 times in a row and cried straight through. We should all be thinking about our great blessings in this time of hardship for our nation and economy. May the Christmas season remind us from whence our blessings came.
I created this video to remind us of how much we really have. Enjoy.

Somedays we forget
To look around us
Somedays we can't see
The joy that surrounds us
So caught up inside ourselves
We take when we should give.
So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be.
And on this day we hope for
What we still can't see.
It's up to us to be the change
And even though we all can still do more
There's so much to be thankful for.

Look beyond ourselves
There's so much sorrow
It's way too late to say
I'll cry tomorrow
Each of us must find our truth
It's so long overdue
So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be
And every day we hope for
What we still can't see
It's up to us to be the change
And even though we all can still do more
There's so much to be thankful for.

Even with our differences
There is a place we're all connected
Each of us can find each other's light
So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be
And on this day we hope for
What we still can't see
It's up to us to be the change
And even though this world needs so much more
There's so much to be thankful for

Friday, September 26, 2008

Why is that??

So why is it that when we are insanely busy, we decide that we want to do the impossible and do things we don't have time for in a regular day. For example, its very late at night and you have a paper to write that is due tomorrow morning. Do you work on the paper so it can be finished earlier? No. Instead, you download music on the internet, look at pictures, read old journal entries, call friends and write blogs.
I have an absolutely absurd schedule. Literally every second of my day is mapped out, yet I find myself wanting to try things that I have absolutely no time for. Its frustrating because usually they are things that I previously had no desire to do when I actually did have time to do them. The worst part is that those great things that I would like to make time for, but can't, are the things I say no to and then I end up not doing what i planned to do in the first place. Like turning someone down to do something fun because you have a project due tomorrow and then once you get home, you don't even work on the project and you realize that you should have just gone instead of doing all these other pointless things like look at pictures and download music. I wish I could just decide what to do with my time and make the absolute best use of it, including doing fun things that shouldn't be missed.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Little Obsessed, Are We?

So I have been obsessed with random music lately. Here are the obsessions:

1. Jason Robert Brown: Songs for a New World. (I sing "I'm not afraid of anything" and "I'd give it all for you" in the shower. I can't help myself. another shower pick is: "Come, Come Ye Saints" and "For Good" from Wicked)

2. Dream Girls Soundtrack: I have only seen bits and pieces of the movie but I randomely got the urge to listen to the music and there are a few songs I can't seem to get enough of. "Listen" "I love you, I do" and "And I'm telling you, I'm not going". I realize that everyone had their phases when they were obsessed with this movie. I am just a late bloomer.

3. The Very Best of Opera: Yes. I am classy. I was mostly obsessed with this during the summer but I certainly have my moments now. My favorite are the songs sung by the men. Particularly "Nessun Dorma" and "Donna Non Vidi Mai" both by Puccini. I also love "Recitar! ... Vesti La Giubba" by Leoncavallo. This one has me extremely confused. I can never tell if he is crying or laughing in it. My guess is crying. I wonder what he is crying about...if only I knew Italian. And of course the classic, "Rigoletto" by Verdi. This one gets me pumped for the day and reminds me of "Family Man."

4. Piano Cascades. It is this amazing CD with the most peaceful music you will ever hear in your life. It is just simple piano compositions with waterfalls and birds in the background. During the summer I would play this CD when I was reading a book outside on the hammock in the backyard and I felt like I was in heaven. But now I put it on when I go to bed and I am literally out before the first song is over. Its amazing! Try it.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Just a Few Changes Lately

Wow. Wow. Wow. So I haven't posted a blog in ages. I saw a friend today and she reminded me of this fact. So I need to do a little update blog. 2 big changes. #1. I am single and doing fantastic. :) #2. I live in a house now. I will admit, its a little on the ghetto side. We have no air conditioner, but we have swamp coolers. My room is in the attic so its got a little A-frame feel but let me tell you that its seriously the sweetest room ever! We have sky blue SHAG carpet. :) yes. 70's! and everything is wood. Its our own little oasis. When I say our I mean my roommate Vania and mine. Vania is the coolest girl ever. She is from a small island in the Indian Ocean called Mauritius. She speaks 3 languages and is just hilarious and beautiful. We have so much fun in our little attic room! So that is the update on the house. We will be having a house warming party soon so keep your ears and you can come see the house for yourself. :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

inappropriate shirts

It was a beautiful summers eve when Sir Jeff of the house of Harmons and Miss Kate of the house of Stones went to the field of green to play a game of ultimate frisbee with some other lovely folk...when a real problem was presented. Miss Kate's shirt was inappropriately fitted for an active game of UF. So, the noble Jeff Harmon agreed to wear the awful shirt and give Miss Kate his manly shirt. She was very grateful to this knight in shining armor. Unfortunately, however, the shirt made Sir Jeff look like a "homo" as they say in America... Hence the picture. Miss Kate couldn't ask for a better man....just maybe a "man-lier" one.

Watch out! Guns are dangerous...

Just some amazing photos that must be seen...
Jeff being a great example!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

One of those moments...

This video brings me great joy.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Influence of Light

I think it amazing that one day we can be completely distracted by worldly things and what the world tells us that we should want and then one day the Lord gives us a little wake up call...back to reality and reminds us of all that he wants us to do, for others, for him, and for ourselves so that we can become closer to him. That is the way I have felt the last few days. The Lord has given me some reminders that he is still there always helping me even if it seems like my life is going fine and I "dont need him". Its amazing that when we are blessed the most, that we forget that the origin of those blessings is God. I have had such an enlightening week...I can't explain it. I just feel as though I am on my way to gaining a much stronger relationship with the Savior than I ever have in my life. I had some realizations that brought me to these thoughts. I realized that growing up in the church we have focused on the evil in the world and how to avoid it. "Stay away from the EVIL. There is so much out there." But while that is completely true...I think that its much more motivating and inspiring to emphasize instead, how much good and beauty there is in the world. We should inspire others to seek it out. There are so many good and inspiring things in the world that no one in the world could possibly every see/read/listen to it all in one lifetime. The 13th article of faith really hit home for me after I realized this concept. 'If there is anything virtuous, lovely or of good report or praiseworthy, we SEEK after these things.' It is true that these things may not always be right in front of us, like the evil of the media and the world but if we SEEK after those things that are good and true, the darkness of the world around us will be blinded by the light. All we do, everything, is to recieve his spirit, to feel closer to Him, that is the ultimate goal, isn't it? 'That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.' (D&C 50:24) That was President Hinckleys favorite and I can understand why...Tonight as a family we were singing around the piano. One song we sang was totally unplanned but still very touching and beautiful. It was really an awesome experience as we sang this song. Here are the lyrics. At first Chandler, Carli, Summer and I sang it and then my parents and Colton joined in when my grandparents made us sing it again. I think you can understand why it was so touching. It seemed to go perfectly with what I had been thinking about.

Keepers of His Light
We were saved for these final days
and He has blessed us with the faith
to follow Him, and remember Him
in a world thats gone astray
To rise above the darkness thats around us
that we might have His holy light surround us

We will stand strong in the presence of our God,
letting virtue garnish every thought.
We will hold on always steadfast in his ways
faithful to the promise we have made.
By the way we live our lives,
we are the keepers of His light.

We believe we're children of a king,
and we will honor him faithfully.
We will lift our minds.
We will choose the light,
living lives of purity.
We can feel his mighty power inside us
we know He is reaching out to guide us

We will stand strong in the presence of our God,
letting virtue garnish every thought.
We will hold on always steadfast in his ways
faithful to the promise we have made.
By the way we live our lives,
we are the keepers of His light.

Peer Pressure: Giving Into Blogging

I have always been envious of those people who can keep a blog and update it often with cute stories and great quotes and of course pictures. So here I am...following the crowd. Although I will admit that following the crowd is one of my greatest fears in life, I have been sucked into the latest fad, that is blogging.